Monday, 15 February 2016

Lady Beards Trend: "I have a better beard than my boyfriend"

The end of 2015 marked the beginning of hilariously viral and quite ingenious hair trend that brought women a step closer to their emancipation and left men totally envious. It was called the "lady beards".

Only in one night this strange trend has taken the internet by storm! All over the Instagram, Facebook and Twitter women decided to try something new with their hair and took part in so called Decembeard.

Having long, luxurious locks and some creativity, they intricately braided their hair into majestic, glorious and more ambitious beards than men have ever dared to dream of. 

Better late than never) I decided to try on the DIY lumberjack's beard and it turned out very funny))

As an extra, I also rocked some "lady mustaches" (LOL)

So, if you're a girl with long hair, you should definitely try "to grow" your own beard. You won't regret it, I promise ;) 

Thursday, 11 February 2016

I ❤ You: 2 Valentine's Day Heart Hairstyles

St. Valentine’s Day is "the most wonderful day of the year" (imagine Andy Williams’ voice here))
It’s the day when sun is shining brightly, birds singing sweetly and everything around reminds you about love and upcoming spring (personally I can only hope for that, cause here in Kiev we have grey snowy weather, without any hint at spring;((

Needless to say that on day like  this you can’t have bad or boring hair. Because, it’s your best accessory (after lingerie, of course;)

In this post you’ll find step-by-step tutorials for 2 Heart-like Hairstyles that'll help you be unique on Valentine's Day and tell the whole world: "I’m in love!"  

Совсем скоро День Св. Валентина, и это значит: романтика, море цветов, милые подарки, прогулки за руку, ужин при свечах, поцелуйчики-обнимашки, а также: "о, боже, что надеть?" и "что сделать на голове??"
Стоп! Без паники) Я приготовила для вас две потрясающие, легкие и быстрые прически-сердечка с пошаговой инструкцией, которые вы вполне сможете сделать самостоятельно. Необычные, они будут на радость вам и вашему любимому, ну или на зло бывшему ;)

1. Braided Heart Half Updo

  • hair brush
  • clear elastics
  • bobby-pins

1) Divide your top hair into two sections. Braid the first section normally, nearly 8' long. 

Разделите верхнюю часть волос на две части. Заплетите первую часть, ~20 см в длину.

2) Braid the second section similarly.

Заплетите вторую косу, аналогично первой.

3) Grab the first braid, press it against your head and turn it counter-clockwise, creating a "half-heart" shape. Secure it with bobby-pins. 

Возьмите первую косу и поверните ее против часовой стрелки, создавая форму половинки сердца. Закрепите ее неведимками.

4) Do the exact same thing with the second braid, but wrap it in clockwise direction. "Close" the heart by connecting the braids together and tying them with another clear elastic. Finally, remove two previous elastics and you're done!
You can curl the remaining hair to make it looks more romantic 

Сделайте все то-же самое со второй косой, только поворачивайте ее по часовой стрелке. Соедините две половинки вместе и закрепите резинкой. Можете накрутить оставшиеся волосы.

2. Heart Shaped Fishtail Bun

  • hair brush
  • clear elastics
  • bobby-pins
It looks better on medium length hair, but you can also try it on long hair, as I did)

1) Create a low ponytail.

Сделайте обычный хвост.

2) Create a main part of your bun - a fishtail-braid.
Just split your ponytail evenly into two sections. 
Use your finger to separate a small section of your hair from the outer edge near the elastic and cross it over to the opposite side. 
Repeat with a small section from the other side. 
Continue overlapping pieces from both sides of your ponytail, all the way down to your ends. 
Secure the end with a clear elastic. 

Начинайте плести косу "рыбий хвост". 
Отделите небольшую прядь волос с края левой части и аккуратно добавьте ее к правой части. 
Дойдя до конца, закрепите косичку резинкой. 

3) Take your fishtail braid and push it up to the base of the head, above where your elastic is. Secure it in the middle with a single bobby-pin. 
Pull the braid a little bit apart at the top. That will give your bun a heart shape.
When you're done, press it against your head and pin with more bobby-pins.
Now take the bottom of your fishtail and roll it up and underneath, secure it with bobby-pins. 
And your hairstyle is complete!

Возьмите основу вашей косы и поднимите ее чуть выше резинки. Закрепите одной невидимкой.
Немного по вытягивайте пряди сверху, чтобы впоследствии получилась форма сердца.
Теперь прижмите верхнюю часть и закрепите ее еще невидимками.
Закрутите нижнюю часть косы под верхнюю и тоже закрепите невидимками. 

Hope you like this tutorials) Leave me in the comments what do you think about them and what tutorials you want to see next ;)

Be happy and remember: all you need is LOVE! 

Sunday, 7 February 2016

¡Hola Chola!: Givenchy F/W 2015-16, FKA Twigs, The Hardkiss

¡Hola Chola! - in this way the Givenchy creative director Riccardo Tisci welcomed the fashion season F/W 2015-16 with his eccentric and fascinating collection, inspired by not so famous but quite influential style of Los Angeles gangsters "chola". Creating a great furore on PFW, Tisci breathed new life into this unusual style. But let's go back to its origins.

Initially, "chola" was a subculture of working-class immigrants from Mexico and their representatives of the civil rights movement (the Chicano Power movement), who lived in South and Central America in the 60's. 

In course of time this movement was picked up by criminal youth with more aggressive mindset, who used it for self-identification. 
Traditional elements of chola style for girls were: thin tattooed eyebrows, dark lipliner with lighter lipstick, cat eyeliner, high hairstyles with skyscraper bangs and kiss curls, lots of tattoos, face piercing, gold chains with crucifixes and other massive trinkets.

Gradually, from the urban culture of scanty means districts of Los Angeles and San Diego chola subculture became a mainstream, that first was picked up in pop culture (Fergie, Gwen Stefani), and then in fashion. 

Before Givenchy, other famous brands as Rodarte and Nasir Mazhar experimented with this style in season S/S 2014, or DKNY in season S/S 2015. And Love Magazine made a thematic photosession, dedicated to chola. 

But it was Riccardo Tisci, who more vividly presented this style on the already mentioned Givenchy fashion show F/W 2015-16A well-known fan of Gothic with southern roots, in this collection he boldly combined two entirely different in time Victorian and Chola styles, creating his own "Victorian Chola Girl". 

While Tisci was responsible for the clothing component, the famous British makeup artist Pat McGrath achieved a mixture of styles using extravagant Victorian jewellery and facial adornments and the Italian hairstylist Luigi Murenu created intricately braided loops and gelled baby hairs, curled around the models’ faces in "kiss curls", which referred to a style traditionally worn by chola girls. 

By the way, those septum piercing and baby hairs trend quite possibly were inspired by the British singer FKA Twigs, born Tahliah Debrett Barnett, famous for her slicked-down baby hairs and undeniably powerful music.

Chola style also left a notable mark in Ukraine. The music video of the famous Ukrainian rock band The Hardkiss "Tony, Talk!" is fully imbued with Mexican atmosphere. And the chola style appearance of the characters was created by the talented fashion duo - stylists Slava Chaika and Vitaliy Datsyuk.

As we can see, chola culture is very distinctive. It's a storehouse of inspiration, whether you'll choose original chola style, unique and fascinating looks of FKA Twigs or Riccardo Tisci's vision. Just take hair gel, a comb and dare to try it! ;)

Monday, 1 February 2016

#HatHairDontCare: 5 Easy Winter Hat Hairstyles

It's 1st February on calendar and although everybody is in anticipation of spring, there is still cold winter outside. Cold enough, that like it or not, you can't manage without a hat. 
Luckily, there are so many cute and cosy hats to keep you warm: classic fedora hat, floppy hat, hat with ear-flaps, cropped cloche, knitted beanie, stylish beret or turban. Just choose what your heart desires) 
But what about your hairstyle, you ask. Because, hats have a tendency to mess your hairstyle and create what is called a hat hair.
Don't be afraid! Here you'll find 5 cute and easy hat hairstyles that will look good with — or even without — a hat atop your head.  

"Немедленно одень шапку! А то голову отморозишь!"  пожалуй самая излюбленная фраза наших мам и бабушек зимой)) 
В свою очередь мы, как юные революционеры или заядлые модницы, конечно же отказываемся, аргументируя это тем, что нам жалко портить головным убором прическу. А ведь в таком случае, придется тратить время и деньги на лечение сухой кожи головы, тусклых, ломких и выпадающих волос, пострадавших от холода. 
Как же носить шапки зимой, оставаясь при этом и здоровой, и красивой? В этой статье вы найдете 5 простых причесок, которые будут великолепно смотреться с головными уборами и даже без них. 

Special thanks to my models: Anna PogribnyakNastia Poberezhna <3

1. Dutch Lace Braid with a Beanie 


Start by making a deep side part on the right or left-hand side of your hair. 
Take a small section at the start of the part and split it into three. 
Start your dutch braid here crossing the right section under the middle, then the left under the right. 
Now transform your dutch braid into a lace braid by starting to add in small sections of hair, but only from the right side. Don’t add in any hair from your hairline. 
Continue lace braiding till you reach the end and secure it with a clear elastic. 
Finish the hairstyle by pulling apart each individual piece of the braid to make it looks much more voluminous. 

And you're done!


Сделайте глубокий пробор с правой или левой стороны головы. 
В верхней части головы у пробора отделите прядь волос и разделите ее на три части. 
Начинайте плести датскую косу, располагая сначала правую прядь под левой, затем левую под правой и добавляя новые пряди только с правой стороны. Не добавляйте крайние пряди по линии роста волос. 
Дойдя до конца, закрепите косу резинкой. 

Можете немного повытягивать пряди, чтобы коса казалась объемнее. 

2. Fishtail Pom-Pons with a Beanie


Part your hair in the middle and make two low ponytails. 
From each ponytail create a fishtail braid. 
Just split your ponytail evenly into two sections. 
Use your finger to separate a small section of your hair from the outer edge near the elastic and cross it over to the opposite side. 
Repeat with a small section from the other side. 
Continue overlapping pieces from both sides of your ponytail, all the way down to your ends. 
Secure the ends with a clear elastic. 
Finish the hairstyle by twisting each fishtail braid around the base and creating two pom-pons
Secure them with another clear elastic.         


Сделайте два хвоста. 
Каждый хвост разделите на две части и начинайте плести косу "рыбий хвост". 
Отделите небольшую прядь волос с края левой части и аккуратно добавьте ее к правой части. 
Повторите все то же самое с правой частью. 
Дойдя до конца, закрепите косички резинкой. 
Теперь обкрутите косички вокруг их основы и зафиксируйте еще одной резинкой. 

Одевайте шапку и вы готовы)

3.  Tucked Crown Braid with a Hat

Bring your hair to one side and make a regular 3-strand braid. Put on a hat. Now grab the braid and position it over your head (under the hat) as a crown. Still holding the braid like this, just pin it in place with as many bobby-pins as you need. When you're done, the hairstyle is finished.

Соберите все волосы с одной стороны и заплетите обычную косу. Оденьте шляпу. Теперь, поместите косу над головой выше лба и, придерживая ее другой рукой, закрепите с помощью шпилек и невидимок. 


4. Organic Boho Braids with a Hat

Grab a small section of hair from one side and start doing a regular 3-strand braid. As you braiding, you'll notice that the bottom of the hair starts tangling together (it braids itself). So, when you'll reach the braided bottom you just need to pull it through the remaining opening. This will create an organic "no elastic" braid. Finish this braid by pulling random sections of the braid out to make it more voluminous. 
Do as many organic braids as you want. You can also curl the remaining hair to make it looks more bohemian. 

Отделите маленькую прядь с одной стороны и заплетите обычную косу. Будьте внимательны, когда заплетаете. Вы заметите, что нижняя часть волос тоже заплетается сама по себе. Дойдя до заплетенной нижней части, просто проденьте ее в небольшую петельку, оставшуюся между двумя частями. 

Эта коса не требует никаких резинок, именно по-этому она считается органической

5. Twisted Curls and Hat with Ear-Flaps


Curl your hair in a convenient for you way (using an iron or for a night). 
Now part the hair in the middle and twist it a little backward, creating two ponytails. 
Secure the twists with bobby-pins.


Когда на улице ну очень холодно и шапка-ушанка просто незаменима)

Накрутите волосы удобным для вас способом (на плойку, на утюжок, на бигуди). 
Разделите волосы на две части и немного закрутите их по направлению к затылку. 
Таким образом создавая два закрученных хвостика. 
Закрепите их невидимками. 

Осталось надеть шапку и вы готовы покорять зиму;)